• HISTORY of 242

Privacy Policy

The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd is committed to your privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible way. This privacy policy outlines how we aim to achieve this.

We collect information when:

  • you make a booking
  • you sign up to marketing emails
  • you make a purchase from our online shop
  • you are interested in working with us
  • you use our website www.thewetfishcafe.co.uk

What do we collect?

We keep customer information in two separate databases, for two separate purposes:

  1. We have a bookings database consisting of personal details such as names, email addresses, contact numbers, and any special requests such as dietary information assembled via SevenRooms (data processor)
  2. We have an email database for our marketing newsletter consisting of names and email addresses, assembled via Mailchimp
  3. For music dinner events we collect information such as names, email addresses, contact numbers, and any special requests such as dietary information via the program Eventbrite
  4. If you make a purchase from our online shop we collect information such as names, email addresses, contact numbers, and credit card details via the program Ecwid, which processes your payment using Stripe

Where credit card details for bookings are collected via SevenRooms or Eventbrite, they use a third party ( Braintree) to store the card details, and the process is fully PCI compliant.  The details are not stored by The Wet Fish Cafe.  The booking systems uses SSL encryption to transmit all credit card details.  Card details are not held for future bookings.

If you are interested in working with us, we may hold your CV and application letter which may include personal details, employment details, education, salary history and other relevant details.

We collect anonymous website usage data using Google Analytics to enable us to monitor and track website usage and to understand and respond to the needs of our users.

How do we get people's information?

Customer data is collected using SevenRooms when an individual makes a booking via the SevenRooms widget on our website, via one of SevenRoom's third party websites, or when an individual contacts us via email or telephone to make a booking.

Customers can opt-in to marketing emails by typing their name and email address into embedded Mailchimp forms on our website, or by ticking an opt-in marketing consent box on the SevenRooms form when making a booking.  If you are interested in working with us, you may submit your CV by coming in person, or online via email or our website.  

Website usage data is collected using Google Analytics on our website.

How we use your information

Our use of your personal data will always have a lawful basis, either because it is necessary to complete a booking or because you have consented to our use of your personal data (by opting in) to contact you regarding news from The Wet Fish Cafe, such as upcoming music dinners or special offers.

If you sign up for our mailing list your data will not be disclosed to any company outside of The Wet Fish Cafe and we will only contact you about The Wet Fish Cafe news and events.

If you are applying to work with us, we will use the information you have supplied to us (CV, cover letter etc.) to assess your application. We may also keep it in our records for future reference. Please contact us if you no longer wish for us to hold your records at [email protected].

Website usage data collected using Google Analytics is used to enable us to monitor and track website usage and to understand and respond to the needs of our users. This data is anonymised so that you can visit our site without identifying yourself or disclosing any personal information.  This includes device information about your computer hardware or software (e.g. mobile, desktop, tablet), technical information, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform. Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our Site (including date and time); pages you viewed; page response times, download errors, length of visits to pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

How we look after your data

The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties. Any personal information we request from you will be safeguarded under current legislation. We will only share your information with companies necessary to deliver services on our behalf (e.g. SevenRooms for the provision of bookings; Braintree online payment platform for credit card processing and cancellation fees; and Mailchimp for the distribution of our monthly newsletter).

Storage and security of your personal data

Your personal data is stored in electronic and physical records maintained by The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd. By submitting your personal data you agree that we may store, transfer or process your data. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure your data is treated securely and in accordance with the privacy policy.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our website. Any transmission would be at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access.

Our newsletter database is held with Mailchimp, is password-protected, and is not held locally.

Our Bookings database held with SevenRooms, password-protected, and is not held locally.

How you can control, access and remove your details

On every newsletter there is an option to unsubscribe from our mailing list which is then done automatically by Mailchimp.

You can also request removal of your personal details at any time by emailing [email protected].

If you have any queries in relation to the processing of your personal data by The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd;  if you would like to access a copy of any personal details that The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd holds about you or if you wish to change your consent please send a request by email to [email protected] or post to the address below:

Data Controller at The Wet Fish Cafe, 242 West End Lane, London NW6 1LG

Changes to this statement

The Wet Fish Cafe Ltd will occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect company and customer feedback. The Wet Fish Cafe encourages you to periodically review this statement to be informed of how The Wet Fish Cafe is protecting your information.